Home / Stone Milled

Semolina obtained through the "full body" stone-milling of cereals.

Through the ancient gentle-motioned stone milling technique, somehow similar to a massage, the cereals shine their light without ruining them with aggressive processes and over-heating that then require to reconstitute the semolina with the addition of external elements.

Wholemal?...Only if it is Stone Milled!

1) Only the traditional stones, the best are sourced from La Fertè-sous-Jouarre (France), carry out a gentle motion, somehow simialiar to a massage, that does not overheat the grain;

2) The Grain undergoes a "full body" milling therefore the Grain Germ sill remains in the semolina;

3) The precious bran layer is not removed from the semolina and, especially, it is not added to the white product in order to resemble the orginal wholemeal semolina obtained through the stone milling;

4) The coarse granulates of the wholemeal semolina combined with the presence of the bran, plays a key role for its digeribility;

5) The gentle "massage" of the stones enhances the scents of the Ancient Cereals and safeguards the Vital force of the Grain. 

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