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Foods that seem healthy
Author: Dr Frank Lipman
Source http://www.wellandgoodnyc.com...
Find your way between glucose and fructose
Author: Corriere della Sera - Elena Meli
Glycemic Index of coconut sugar
Author: Food And Nutrition Research Institute
Study carried out by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute - Republic of Philippines - Department of Science & Technology www.pca.da.gov.ph...
The alternatives to the saccharose suitable for the whole family
Author: Salute Naturale Extra Riza
"Salute Naturale Extra" Magazine - June 2013...
Benefits of coconut sugar
Author: MD Marie Claire
It's called "Gulamerah from Bali", it is a natural sweetener, like the well-known Stevia, and it is making its entry into the international market. The Gulamerah is a viable alternative to the traditional sugar, to the cane sugar and to the artificial sweeteners. Coconut sugar has a glycemic index of 35 and contains nutrients important for the body. http://www.marieclaire.it/Bellezza/gulamerah-ba...
Sweeteners or less sugars to lose weight
Author: Carla Favaro - Corriere della Sera
If you are overweight and you love sweet drinks, “diet” solutions (i.e. with sweeteners instead of sugar) may seem ideal, but researchers have long been doubtful about the real effectiveness of sweeteners in restricting calorie intake. And now a research, published online on 'American Journal of Public Health, seems to confirm the doubts. The researchers speculate that, in the presenc...
Sugars: a "Sweet" word which comes in many ways
Author: Carla Favaro - Corriere della Sera
Cereals and Pulses: a successful union!
Author: Dott.ssa Carla Barzanò per Macrolibrarsi
Turmeric and diabetes
Author: Dr. Danilo Cariolo per diabete.com
Available at the link: http://www.diabete.com/la-curcuma-un-aiuto-per-contrastare-il-diabete/ ...
Golden Milk: the wolesome gold!
Author: dott.ssa Carla Barzanò per Panela
https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/speciali/golden-milk-l-oro-che-fa-bene.php ...
Golden Milk: your helper in Sports!
Author: Paola Miretta per Panela
A Sack...so Special!
Author: Redazione Panela
Con un sacco di tessuto naturale...è meglio che sfusa La pasta non è tutta uguale e ormai ce ne siamo resi conto quasi tutti: anche se riconoscerne la qualità non è cosi facile, ammettiamolo pure. Il segreto è nascosto nella materia prima utilizzata e di come questa possa essere trattata e conservata. Un ruolo non secondario per proteggerla, custodirla e garant...
White, Brown, Wholesome
Author: Carla Barzanò, Cucina Naturale
Coming from the East, the cane sugar is now also widely used in western countries. There are various types, with different flavors, health benefits and uses.Let us learn to know to take advantage of all of its qualities....
Does wheat make us fat and sick?
Author: Brouns, Van Buul, Shewry - Maastricht University - Journal of Cereal Science
Whole sugars vs crystalized sugars
Author: Panela e AA.VV.
A little bit of clarity in the world of sugar: differences between the whole sugar and the brown and white sugars in crystals....
Triticum Monococcum: Implication for celiac disease
Author: Gianfrani ar Al. Istituto di Scienze alimentari CNR Avellino, Università Federico II Napoli, CRSA Roma
Triticum Monococcum: the secret for the prevention of celiac disease hinges on the past
Author: Giulia Bottaro per Il Fatto Alimentare
Spreadable Lightness...
Author: Dott.ssa Carla Barzanò su ViviConsapevole
Coconut blossoms sugar: the way to get rid of palm oil and calories Published on ViviConsapevole - Autumn 2015...
Frying with vegetable oils can increase cancer risk
Author: ADN Kronos - Salute
From coconut blossom a wholemeal food for...
Author: dott.ssa Carla Baranò per Macrolibrarsi
Sweet is good
Author: Carla Barzanò per L'Altra Medicina - n 48 2015
How to rediscover Ancient Grains...
Author: Redazione Dimagrire - Riza
The Mystery of the twice cooked over pastas
Author: Roberto La Pira per Il Fatto Alimentare
Back to the old millstones...
Author: Giulia Crepaldi per Il Fatto Alimentare
Click on the link: http://www.ilfattoalimentare.it/macine-a-pietra-farina.html...
Black pepper boosts the benefits of turmeric
Author: Prof. Antonello Paparella per Il Fatto Alimentare
Credits Il Fatto Alimentare...
Golden Milk: the gold of toddlers
Author: Prof.ssa, Dott.ssa Lucia Romeo
Golden Milk: A traditional remedy
Author: Studio Medico Perrone
Xylitol: Lights and Shadows
Author: Agnese Codignola per Il Fatto Alimentare

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Organic whole cane sugar 1 Kg
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